How Long Does a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate Last in Victoria

How Long Does a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate Last in Victoria


Food safety is a non-negotiable aspect of the job when you’re a hospitality worker. Food safety procedures are critical in preventing the spread of foodborne illness to customers. The state of Victoria takes it seriously, too, which is why strict food safety laws are in place. In Victoria and greater Australia, a food safety supervisor is a legal requirement for various hospitality businesses to adhere to a high food safety standard. Therefore, it is important for hospitality businesses to know how long food safety supervisor certificates last in Victoria and throughout Australia to ensure compliance.

Who Needs a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate?

Hospitality workers who supervise food handlers must hold a food safety supervisor certificate. Chefs, kitchen hands, and staff who handle food directly through preparation, cooking, and plating up need a food safety supervisor to oversee adherence to food safety procedures. This ensures food handlers are informed about safe food handling practices to prevent foodborne illness and maintain the reputation of the establishment.

Which Businesses Need a Food Safety Supervisor?

Food safety laws were updated in late 2022 to ensure all the states and territories in Australia adhere to the same food safety legislation. In Victoria, a food safety supervisor certificate used to be valid indefinitely. These certificates must now be renewed every five years for all category one and two businesses in Australia. In addition, the food safety supervisor needs to be reasonably available to oversee the implementation of safe food handling practices and address potential risks.

Category One and Two Businesses in Australia

Hospitality and food businesses classified as category one or two must have a food safety supervisor with a valid certification. The certification is valid from the date of issue.

Category one businesses:

  • Cafes
  • Pubs
  • Restaurants
  • Supermarkets with ready-to-eat food
  • Takeaway outlets
  • Catering services
  • Medical and childcare institutions

Category two businesses:

  • Establishments that sell ready-to-eat food
  • Serve potentially hazardous food not prepared on-site

*Exceptions apply to market stalls, delis, and some service stations.

How Long Does a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate Last in Victoria?

In Victoria, as throughout Australia, a food safety supervisor certificate is valid for five years. The reason for this is to ensure supervisors are always up to date with current food safety practices; they can refresh their memories and keep their team informed, too.

How to Renew a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate

Regularly renewing food safety supervisor certification ensures all the essential food safety practices are fresh in the minds of food safety supervisors. For this reason, food safety supervisors must renew their training—not just apply for another certificate. They must apply for and complete a food safety supervisor course within 90 days of the expiration of their current certificate. It’s best to start this process in advance to avoid potential interruptions in compliance.

For food safety supervisors in Australia, maintaining a valid certificate in accordance with legislation is essential. Beyond legislation, staying informed and renewing certifications every five years keeps customers safe and ensures hospitality establishments remain trustworthy.

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