How Much Does an RSA Course Cost?

How Much Does an RSA Course Cost?

By Warrick Steabben

We’ve all heard the old saying, “From little things, big things grow.” Think about your favourite wine bar, brewery, pub – even your favourite bartender at one of those venues. The owners of those venues and the super cool bartenders who work there, all started off by doing one small thing: completing an RSA course. Getting your Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate means that one day, you too could be a successful wine bar owner, brewer or simply a top-notch bartender who never fails to make customers smile and feel welcome. So, here’s the question that’s probably on your mind: how much does an RSA course cost?

The good news is – it doesn’t cost a lot of money at all if you pick the right Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Some RTOs stuff you around, taking ages to book you in because they don’t run regular courses in person or online. Then, they charge you double what some other RTOs charge you. What’s that all about?

Complete Hospitality Training’s RSA Course
Thankfully, there’s an alternative. We, at CHT, are one of Victoria’s leading RTOs in hospitality. We offer a variety of hospitality courses, including barista coffee, bartending, Cert IVs in Hospitality and an RSA course. In CHT’s RSA course, you’ll learn:

  • Problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption
  • Alcohol and the law
  • The question of who is responsible for RSA
  • Facts about alcohol
  • Improving the atmosphere of the premises
  • Handling intoxication and difficult customers

We don’t believe in charging an excessive amount for any of our courses, including our RSA course. The fee for CHT’s RSA course is just $50, whether you’re studying at their Melbourne campus or online via Zoom. So, fifty bucks to start your career is a pretty sweet deal when you compare it to TAFE and uni students whose degrees cost thousands.

CHT’s RSA course gives you all the skills you need to serve alcohol responsibly in any workplace. We’re an established and well-known RTO, so employers will trust that you’re competent after studying through us.

The four-hour courses run at the CHT Melbourne campus almost every day, so you won’t have to wait weeks to complete your RSA. If you can’t make it to the face-to-face courses in Melbourne due to living regionally or other reasons, don’t stress! We also offer an online classroom via Zoom which is conducted live by campus trainers.

RSA courses at Complete Hospitality Training are fun, informative, comprehensive – and the best part is, they’re affordable! Lots of our graduates from CHT say that getting their RSA was the best investment they’ve ever made, opening up a world of employment opportunities for them. To follow in their footsteps, get in touch with our team at Complete Hospitality Training today and start your route to working in the liquor industry.

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