How do I get my Bar & Gaming License?

How do I get my Bar & Gaming License?

By Warrick Steabben

We hear this question quite often… There’s actually no such thing as a bar and gaming license. What people are confusing this with is the RSA Course (Responsible Service of Alcohol) and the gaming licence.

The RSA certificate is necessary to secure employment in the bar and hospitality industry. If you don’t have any practical skills, the RSA certificate is important but not necessarily enough to secure a job in the hospitality industry.

The Bar & Gaming Course is a better option as it covers Cocktail Making, Bartending, Coffee Making, Barista Training, Silver Service Waiting as well as RSA, RSG and the Food Handling certificate (RSF).

The Gaming License is separate to the above courses. This licence is obtained through the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation. We go through the procedure to get your Gaming License as part of our complete Bar & Gaming Course.

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