How to Create an Effective Training Plan for Your Hospitality Business

How to Create an Effective Training Plan for Your Hospitality Business


The hospitality industry thrives on delivering exceptional customer service, and one of the best ways to achieve that is by investing in employee training. Training, however, starts before a new employee even joins the team. During the interviewing process, you’ll assess their existing skills and any skills gaps to encourage a successful working relationship and create an appropriate training plan. Creating an effective training plan for your hospitality business is one of the best ways to improve customer relations and operations, and to grow your business.

The Importance of Onboarding New Employees

Even if you hire an employee with lots of experience and all the necessary skills, they still need to be trained to work in your hospitality business according to your guidelines and preferred procedures. It’s best not to bombard new employees with too much information on day one but do get them acquainted with their team and make them feel welcome. An essential aspect of onboarding employees is to ensure they feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help. This will make on-the-job training more effective and improve staff retention.

Create a Training Plan

Following a well-executed onboarding process, line managers and senior employees should have a better understanding of the new employees’ strengths and weaknesses. The next step is formulating a structured and time-bound plan to train the employee in the necessary skills. Use a timeline and allocate time during the day when training can take place. Over the coming days and weeks, set up check-ins, feedback sessions, and goals to ensure the training is conducted promptly and nothing is forgotten. This timeline may need to be adjusted according to the employee’s needs.

On-the-Job Training

Not every potential employee will have all the required skills listed in the job specification. Often, the best fit for your hospitality business needs upskilling, with existing employees helping them to get up to speed. An excellent way to upskill employees is by asking an experienced employee to train them and equip them with new skills. This training should start with a task demonstration, followed by practice, feedback, and finally allowing the new employee to implement what they have learned. Everyone learns differently, so patience is integral during this process. Don’t forget everyone in your hospitality business can benefit from training, so don’t neglect the training needs of your seasoned employees.

Invest in External Training

Not everything can be taught on the job, and some skills require additional expertise and industry-specific knowledge best provided by a reputable hospitality training institute. Look for relevant and recognised courses on food safety, responsible service of alcohol, and other specialised skills. Every employee will benefit from additional formal training. They can refresh their existing knowledge, learn new skills, and keep up to date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. Additional training exposes employees to new roles and departments, fostering a more versatile and adaptable workforce.

Investing in external training shows your commitment to employee growth and professional development. As a result, your employees are more likely to feel valued and be loyal. When seeking external training providers, opt for high-quality programs with a proven track record. There are many ways to train employees, but the best way to approach it is with an effective training plan and feedback as they practice their new skills. A clear training plan is essential to maximise time, especially in fast-paced environments like hospitality, where every minute counts.

Complete Hospitality Training