The Benefits of Returning to Face-to-Face Learning

The Benefits of Returning to Face-to-Face Learning


While online learning has given students the opportunity to continue their chosen courses under difficult circumstances, there are many benefits to returning to face-to-face learning. Complete Hospitality Training offers the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training online, but other courses require in-person training and skills assessments. The reason for this being hospitality is a very hands-on industry. Regardless of the course, however, there are numerous benefits to in-person training.

Get Your Hands Dirty

The most beneficial aspect of returning to face-to-face learning is the ability to learn practical skills. Tasks such as pouring coffee, mixing advanced cocktails, equipment operation and maintenance, and more are best learned in person. Of course, you need to know the theory, but you’ll never quite master the techniques involved without the hands-on experience in a learning setting. In online learning scenarios you are not afforded this opportunity.

The Sociable Setting of Face-to-Face Training

The hospitality industry is a sociable one. Online learning has largely inhibited our ability to interact directly with each other. In face-to-face learning settings, we are able to interact more with our classmates and the course leader. This affords us the opportunity for expanded learning, networking, and collaboration. By watching other people learn, practise skills, and ask questions, we learn too. Of course, when we are locked up for days or weeks at a time, we are reminded of the benefits of meeting like-minded people.

It Offers Better Transfer of Knowledge

Asking questions during an online class just isn’t the same as asking questions in person. Depending on the format of an online course, it may be more challenging to ask questions. In some instances of online learning, you may have to wait until the end of the class for a questions and answers session. In others, questions will only be answered much later in the days or weeks following the class. Face-to-face courses allow for more fluid interaction between students and course leaders, opening the discussion for other students to join in and learn.

Less Distraction with In-Person Learning

When we study online, we are subject to all manner of distractions in our homes. We often multitask, check emails, listen to music, and even do chores around the house. In an in-person setting, we are limited; we cannot disappear into Instagram or step away to hang up our washing. Learning from home has been beneficial for many because organising your time is easier, but the drawback lies in the potential for distraction. To fully grasp concepts and deepen our understanding of new topics, it’s best to be focused on one task at a time, which is much easier in a dedicated learning setting.

CHT offers very well-rounded training to ensure that you get the skills you need to thrive in the hospitality industry. There is always theory to absorb, but to get the full qualification, you need to be able to demonstrate the appropriate skills and theoretical aspects of the course. To enrol in a CHTs course, get in touch with us today.

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Complete Hospitality Training