How to score that awesome Bar Job

How to score that awesome Bar Job

By Warrick Steabben

So, you’ve completed your bar course and earned your RSA Certificate. Well done. Here at Complete Hospitality Training we definitely know a thing or two about what comes next in order to lock in an awesome bar job.

By completing your bartending course you have taken the first and most important step towards finding a job as a nationally recognised and competent bartender.

Bartending jobs require three main attributes; skill, personality and endurance in order to work those late nights and early mornings. Follow these next three steps to give yourself the best chance of earning your dream bar job.

Step 1: Work on your new skills

  • Practice the fundamentals: To make delicious, professional looking drinks you will need to learn and refine basic bar skills. These include shaking, straining, stirring, muddling and blending. Keep practicing these skills until they become second nature.
  • Build knowledge of alcohol and drink types: Ensure that you memorise standard drink types, such as basics, highballs, lowballs, martinis, tropical drinks, shots and other types of cocktails. Recognise that needs will vary from venue to venue. High-end bars, for example, will specialise in very different drinks to student bars. You should know your standards, regardless of where you hope to be employed.
  • Observe bartenders in action: Next time you go to a bar, watch how your bartender operates. Observe how they manage orders, their body language and how they handle pressure. This will give you a good idea of the kind of behaviour you need to display for this job.

Step 2: Start the job search

  • Apply for jobs online: Websites such as Seek, Careerone and Gumtree can be good places to start. Hospohub is also great, as it specialises in hospitality jobs.
  • Speak with a venue manager: Head to your favourite bar and get to know the staff and the manager. You can ask if there are any jobs available, and if they don’t have anything immediately, you can leave your details in the event something comes up in the future.
  • Don’t let a lack of experience deter you: Apply for any job you like the sound of, even if you don’t have the exact skills or experience requested. Enthusiasm can take you a long way!

Step 3: Score that job

  • Prepare for the interview: It is very common for people to see bartending as a casual job and not be properly prepared. Dress professionally, it shows that you are enthusiastic and committed. Be prepared to demonstrate your skills and knowledge. So brush up on your skills and industry related news before your interview.
  • Show that you are responsible: Working as a bartender means that you will be responsible for people’s health and safety. Demonstrate your knowledge of laws relating to licensed venues to show that you will be a responsible worker.
  • Be friendly and polite: As you serve patrons, one of the best attributes you can have is good manners. Customers who are made to feel welcome are the most likely to come back. Repeat customers are key to a successful hospitality business.

With these simple steps and the CHT bartending course certificate on your side, you should have no problems gaining a bar job in Melbourne.

Good luck!

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